Sunday, February 10, 2008

Mr. Brooks

Mr. Brooks might be a successful businessman, a family man, and man of the year, but he's also a ruthless serial killer (known as the Fingerprint Killer) who is tortured by his dark craft.

During what he thinks is his last killing, Mr. Brooks is caught on film by Mr. Smith, who blackmails Mr. Brooks into teaching him how to kill.  As things begin to spiral out of control for the lead character, the detective assigned to his case (Demi Moore) get closer and closer to finally cracking the case....

Like most thriller/suspense films, the rewatch value is next to nil, and the ending is likely to bother some, but this film is definitely worth at least one look.

Rating: 7/10

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i had a feeling Costner would make some kind of a comeback; plus it's interesting how Dane Cook went from stand up comedian to starring in a ton of major movies