Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Star Wars IV: A New Hope

If George Lucas had ever heard the saying "Save the best for last," he certainly didn't listen to it. Episode IV, the first chapter of the Star Wars saga - at least in our galaxy - has recently emerged for me as the best of the Star Wars films.

Despite its initial release back in 1977, the film is far from feeling "stale" despite all the technological advances we've seen in recent years. The story - chronicling Luke's first steps toward fulfilling his destiny, the beginnings of Han and Leia's flirtation, and the introduction to the powerful and ominous Lord Vader evoke a strong emotional response in me to this day...and I've been watching these movies religiously for nearly ten years now. What's more, the scene of the attack against the mighty Death Star is nothing short of amazing (I'll spare you the details so you can enjoy it more when you watch it).

Ignoring the DVD release version (like Han Solo would wait to be shot at before firing back...yeah right) and the fact that the new trilogy created a few inconsistencies that moderately affected the original movies, what's not to love about this film?

The best movie of the best cinematic story of all time, it would be a safe bet that you won't be seeing another review this good...ever.

May the Force be with you, movie-goers.

Rating: 10/10

1 comment:

Cori said...

This one's my favorite of the set as well! It's got all the elements, drama, action, romance, comedy... it never gets old. However, we'll wait and see what I think of Return of the Jedi!