Sunday, May 18, 2008

Funny Face

Before you finish reading this post, understand that I do appreciate the singing and dancing talents that Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire bring to the classic movie Funny Face. However, if you've read the earlier posts of this blog, you'll also understand that movies from this genre, as well as musicals in general, are more or less lost on me. I tend to find the style of classical movies somewhat cheesy, and am turned off by the stilted progression of storylines in musicals because the characters have a need to sing and dance every three minutes.

Having said that, though, Audrey Hepburn does star, and although she hails from the golden age/musical Hollywood era, she's an exception to the rule in my book, so the movie gets bonus points here. It's not her best, but I've seen much, much worse films in my day (a la Hidalgo).

Rating: 6/10

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The clothes make up for it all. ahh, the clothes.