Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Batman Begins

Although not as good as its sequel, Batman Begins is still an amazing film in its own right. The chemistry between director Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale is undeniably strong and shows through on screen. The cast of Liam Neeson as Raz al Gul was an excellent choice. The acting of Gary Oldman as Lieutenant Gordon (which was so good that I almost believe that Oldman is an unsure, clumsy person in real life) was even better. Even the addition of Michael Caine as Alfred was refreshing, his character's wit often lightening the excessively serious mood of the film.

With its appropriately dark tone and interesting backstory on how Batman became Batman, this is a great film that should also be recognized as the movie that returned the Batman franchise to its former glory - a feat that seemed impossible after the releases of both Batman Forever and Batman & Robin.

Rating: 8/10

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