Saturday, November 15, 2008

When Harry Met Sally

Avid readers of my blog, meet Harry. He's laid back, but kind of a pig who speaks his mind with reckless abandon.

Avid readers of my blog, meet Sally. She's up-tight, structured, and conservative.

Harry and Sally, two polar opposites who share a fateful car ride from Chicago to New York City after college graduation, think they'll never see each other again. Fortunately for each, that's a thought they're both comfortable with.

What neither one considered that day, though, was that fate could have other plans for them. Despite different career paths and seemingly happy relationships for both of them, they do live in the same city (no matter how big), and eventually run into each other. As they grow a little older and a little wiser, and as their respective relationships crumble, each finds a unique comfort in the other's company and the initially strained acquaintance blossoms into a close friendship and ultimately love.

True, it's a romantic comedy, but it's a good movie just the same. Guys, give this one a shot.


PS - Based on my recent posts, I think I've developed a crush for old women.

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