Monday, March 3, 2008

Legends of the Fall

Two concise sentences sum up this film: Well done. Depressingly sad.

Legends of the Fall came at the end of a weekend back-to-back movie session (the other being that movie from the previous post) and the only similarity between the two is that they aren't everyday watches. However, the reason is different. Seriously, I think if I were to watch this movie consistently, I'd never smile again and cast myself away as hollow, depressed hermit too afraid to form any kind of significant relationship for fear of the pain it would eventually cause.

Some people may argue, understandably so, that a movie that isn't enjoyable isn't good. I don't feel that way. I tend to judge films based on how powerfully I am affected by them, and in that regard, Legends of the Fall is a great one in my opinion. My lone complaint would have to be the sometimes uninspired acting of Brad Pitt, which is not nearly as prevalent in this film as in some others in which he's appeared.

Again, not a daily watch, but one well worth the two hours and fifteen minutes spent.

Rating: 7.5/10

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