Saturday, March 22, 2008

Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith

When I stated in the previous post that Episode II was the best of the new Star Wars trilogy, I meant it. But in no way did I say it was a landslide victory.

Episode III has many of the same character-driven storyline elements as Episode II did. The growth in the relationship between Anakin and Obi-Wan, the secretive and tense love between Anakin and Padme, the ever-increasing influence Palpatine obtained over the Senate and young Skywalker, and the ultimate fate of the Jedi Order were all powerful enough to stir a strong emotional response. However, where as in Episode II these elements were the driving "Force" of the film, in Episode III I felt they were slightly more forced and in some cases very poorly written- (i.e. the "Love has blinded you?" scene).

Having said that, though, you can't deny the action sequences were amazing, and the climactic battles actually lived up to the hype, which helps me forgive some of the film's shortcomings.

If you love action and adventure, this film is right up your alley. A great a climax as the final act of the trilogy could be - minus some minor faults - Episode III is definitely worth a watch or seven.

Rating: 9/10

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