Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween IV

Throw in a convenient "Oh, those characters aren't dead, they just survived a massive fire from a couple of movies ago," and you've got yourself the beginnings of a pretty sweet horror film.

In all actuality, Halloween IV manages to give us just the right amount of cheese and spooks to be a pretty good least for its genre.

Although we don't get to follow on the adventures of Laurie "Yep, I'm Jamie Lee Curtis and I'm still hot even though I'm old and in Beverly Hills Chihuahua" Strode, we do get to see Michael Myers terrorize her little daughter Jamie, born somewhere between the second installment and this movie. Tagging along for the night full of death is Jamie's cousin and unwilling babysitter Rachel, and that "I just survived a massive fire from a couple movies ago" Dr. Loomis.

In all, a good film in the Halloween franchise, and one that you should keep for those cold, late October nights right before Halloween.

Rating: 7/10

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